
Sectigo offer a series of HTTPS POST-based APIs that are incredibly simple to work with to provision and manage all types of digital certificate.
They can be used from any language or script which can perform a HTTPS POST request, and can even be tested from simple HTML forms.

All available types of certificates can be requested and provisioned via these APIs, allowing you to offer a completely custom interface to your users, or to integrate the provisioning of certificates into existing systems and workflows.

All aspects of the certificate lifecycle can be performed using the APIs - request and issuance, validation, re-issuance/re-keying, revocation.

A number of 'helper' APIs are also provided to assist with other aspects of the certificate provisioning process - CSR decoders, DCV (Domain Control Validation) APIs, management of multi-domain certificates, and reporting APIs.

Some simple code samples are provided for the most commonly-used APIs, and an outline of an ‘ideal’ certificate ordering flow.

Additional notes are provided on specific topics such as high-volume issuance.