Webhook Events

Webhook Events

If the webhook_url attribute is present, it will be used to notify the partner of certain events. Event data will be sent as a POST request to the webhook_url. The optional webhook_authentication_attributes.account and webhook_authentication_attributes.password partner attributes can be used to authenticate the request using basic authentication.

IP Addresses

Webhook events originate from the following Sectigo Web Security Platform IP addresses. If you have a firewall or intrusion detection system monitoring your endpoint, we recommend whitelisting these IP addresses to ensure uninterrupted communication between our systems.


Webhooks will be sent for the following events:

database_backup_restore_state_changedThe target field will identify the Database for which the restore state has been changed. The body will include the previous and current restore state.
database_backup_zip_download_availableThe target field will identify the Database and the body will contain a link to the zip download that was requested.
user_createThe target field will identify the User created, and the body will contain the user's attributes.
user_login_linkThe target field will identify the User created, and the body will contain a one-time use login link.
user_reset_passwordThe target field will identify the User created, and the body will contain the new temporary password.
website_accelerate_enabledThe target field will identify the Website for which the CDN service has been enabled. The body will include connectivity details for the services provisioned.
website_backup_change_alertThe target field will identify the Website and the body will contain details about the file changes detected during the backup.
website_clean_enabledThe target field will identify the Website for which the remediation service has been enabled.
website_dnssec_rotation_completeThe target field will identify the Website for which the DNSSEC DS record rotation has completed. The body will contain the new DS record.
website_dnssec_rotation_startThe target field will identify the Website for which the DNSSEC DS record rotation has started. The body will contain the new DS record.
website_firewall_enabledThe target field will identify the Website for which the WAF service has been enabled. The body will include connectivity details for the services provisioned.
website_malware_issue_fixedThe target field will identify the Website and the body will contain details about the issues remediated.
website_malware_issue_foundThe target field will identify the Website and the body will contain details about the issues detected.
website_monitor_enabledThe target field will identify the Website for which the monitoring service has been enabled.
website_restore_state_changedThe target field will identify the Website for which the restore state has been changed. The body will include the previous and current restore state.
website_zip_download_availableThe target field will identify the Website and the body will contain a link to the zip download that was requested.

Request Attributes

idThe ID of the webhook
eventThe name of the event which caused the webhook.
targetThe resource the webhook is referring to.
bodyThe array or object content of the webhook message.
partnerThe partner account associated with this webhook.

Example Request Body:

  "id": 123456,
  "event": "user_create",
  "target": {
    "type": "User",
    "id": 123456
  "body": {
    "user": {
      "id": 123456,
      "name": "John Doe",
      "email": "john@example.com",
      "...": "..."
  "partner" {
    "id": 1